This is the Website of Clachan Lochbroom Heritage Trust SCIO. We are a registered charity (SCO47544) responsible for the historic Clachan church. The trust was formed in 2017 and the church has been community owned since 2018
Clachan church stands on the shore of Loch Broom in Wester Ross around ten miles from Ullapool. In 1773, a last communion was held at the Clachan Church for one of the first waves of Scottish emigrants bound for North America. The sailing ship Hector was moored in the loch nearby: and from the church the Highlanders were rowed out to begin their journey to Pictou in Nova Scotia.
The Church – rebuilt in 1817 – is today being gradually renovated, and is open to visitors most Tuesday and Friday afternoons (but please check our Facebook page before visiting).
Use the tabs above to navigate our site, and visit us on Facebook for news on our renovations and events.
We are a small community and receive no government assistance to maintain this historic building. If you would like to contribute to our maintenance costs, any donation – no matter how small – is very much appreciated.
Just click here*** to donate online
If you would like to donate by bank transfer or post, click here for more details.
1.Donations can now be made on-line…..via KindLink
Visit https://donate.kindlink.com/clachan-lochbroom-heritage-trust/1930
2. Direct bank transfer
Bank account details:
Name: Clachan Lochbroom Heritage Trust
A/c no. 00128109. Sort code 83 28 01
Royal Bank of Scotland, 11 Argyle St, Ullapool, Ross-shire IV26 2UD
IBAN : GB96RBOS83280100128109
3. Cheque made payable to CLHT & sent to Clachan Church, Clachan, Lochbroom, Ross-shire IV23 2RZ